We've had lovely sunny spring weather, so Franklin and I have spent as much time as possible in the garden. He LOVES it out there. He loves bugs, dirt, picking flowers, walking and crawling, eating twigs, helping me weed (I hand him a weed and he drops it in the bucket for me; this method takes slightly longer than my traditional weeding technique).
I'm currently pondering ways of bringing in extra income while still remaining the primary caregiver for my son--raising Franklin is very important to me. A few non-necessary household items have been swallowed by the depths of ebay, and I think I've earned about £75 total from ten or so sales--not bad, but not a regular source of income. Other ideas I've considered (some more feasible, some less):
- Provide childcare (I think this involves paperwork and licensing and a large amount of bother)
- Work at a daycare (not quite as involved as running my own though still a lot of bother)
- Set up a housekeeping service (sounds suspiciously like starting up a business)
- Set up an ironing service (see previous)
- Set up a dog walking service (see previous previous)
- Set up an online shop, products yet to be confirmed (though technically the path of least resistance, see previous previous previous)

Any volunteers to be my personal motivator? I've got a bad case of the blahs.