So it's not a big deal to my high-elevation dwelling readers, and yet it's completely dominated my life for the past two weeks or so. The snow, of course. And it's not just me. It's the whole country. Today we've had maybe five inches. So far. Because it's still snowing and has been since 6.30AM. When I left for work this morning, it hadn't snowed. Well, there was still about half an inch on the ground from the last snowfall. Just as I took the turnoff into work it started and still has not stopped at 2PM. I drove back from work three hours early because at the time there was three or four inches surrounding my car and I was worried about getting out of the parking lot. Thankfully the main road was treated, the secondary road was not bad, and the road through our village was passable. It was only about two blocks on side streets that had me white-knuckled. This is my car in the driveway, after I've been home two hours. I don't think I'm going out driving again any time soon. So I may not be working tomorrow either. I may even have to cancel my dentist appointment in two days; I just watched the weather report: more heavy snow for the rest of the week.
I am due to begin my maternity leave at the beginning of next week. In some ways, I wish I was working for longer. If I were working longer, I would be getting paid longer. And I still have ten weeks to go before the due date, so I don't know how I'm going to pass the time till then. But on the positive side, I won't have to drive in snowy, icy conditions any more, or worry about getting knocked over or slipping. My next course starts at the end of this month so I will have more time to devote to my studies--time I will no doubt need as it's a moderately advanced mathematics course.

In other news, I've been writing down goals for the year. Not resolutions: goals. I was thinking about my many crafting hobbies, and how I don't have the time to indulge them all simultaneously. So I thought, maybe I should concentrate on a single crafting hobby a month. Then I thought, I don't have twelve separate hobbies. But...I could split them into six. And set project crafts for each hobby. So far I've got about four months' worth of projects. And of course I've got goals which are not craft-related. I'm even open to suggestions for my goals. Setting and keeping goals gives me a warm happy feeling. Like I'm improving myself and making the world a better place.
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