Partner and I went blackberrying yesterday. It was an absolutely beautiful day and I fear it may be the last of the sunshine we get for a while. Seeing as it is now past equinox and this is after all a very soggy island in general, I don't expect to see the sun again until about April. I think we picked about a liter of berries which are now in the fridge. I wanted to make jam but I don't know if it will happen. Partner thinks we ought to freeze them. I remember picking some with my gramma several years ago. I made about six quarts of jam. There are tons more blackberries where she lives than where I live. Actually I should say they are tons bigger there than here.
Have I mentioned I'm studying towards a bachelor's degree in IT and mathematics? My first three courses start at the end of this month and the beginning of the next. I'm slightly worried I've gone a bit overboard as I'm keeping my full-time job (though cutting back a little on hours). I've been working on the math revision for a few weeks now. I learned all this back in high school but this was a long time ago. Some of it I remember. Some of it I need a little reminding. Some of it I completely have no clue.
I took the above self portrait of me in my office having a study break today. See how long my hair has grown. My mother-in-law made my cardigan and I love it. And behind me is the arch of Sacajawea (my yellow phaelanopsis orchid)'s flower stalk in the window, above a map of the world. My study break is only lasting as long as it takes to write this post. Alas, it is now over.