A new year with new plans and dreams. I have some big dreams for this year. For instance, I dream that starting in about June/July, we will stop buying vegetables, permanently. Partner and I put up another raised vegetable bed this weekend: a tall one intended for carrots. I hope to grow a year's supply. I've put in my order for potatoes and a few other vegetable seeds, so this dream is already becoming a plan.
I also dream of chickens out back. As soon as we have a hen house, we're putting in an order for three or four hens. I'm excited!
And I dream of a beautiful house, with beautiful things which I love. Perhaps a gentle purge is in order. Already one non-beautiful item has been replaced; Partner found a small hi-fi cabinet on freecycle to replace our old battered cabinet. The units (all five) are shut behind a glass door and the old cabinet is hollowed out, ready to grow carrots. It looks so much more attractive as a raised bed!

I knit myself a pair of fun stripey socks. The yarn was once all the same boring beige color; I changed all that with a few packets of kool aid. I had as much fun dyeing it as I did knitting with it and I've got enough (fingers crossed) for another pair. But at the moment I'm knitting birthday socks for Partner. It's no surprise, he knows about them; he had to try the first one on about ten times during the knitting process to ensure fit. However, as I knit the second sock, I wish it were for me; it's so soft: wool/cashmere.
That's funny--I just met a woman who lives in Silver Springs and does spinning and dyeing demonstrations. She was wearing a sweater she spun, dyed and knit herself and she said her colors were food coloring! She also used Kool-aid and does demonstrations for kids and adults. I am trying to recruit her to do a program for us at the park. She wants to, as soon as she has a period costume she can use! ...just thought I'd share!
Great job on the socks, I LOVE them. You have an amazing garden, I can't wait for all the pictures you'll be posting this spring! You have such a green thumb. I really wish you could come teach me how to garden! Best of luck on turning all your dreams into reality!
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