Tons of work in the garden this past week and a half: I've dug over most of the vegetable beds, done so much pruning of shrubs, and have planted lots more seeds--some indoors, some outdoors. I've also relaid the old path through the vegetable patch and put down some more, thus defining the individual beds a bit better. And I've pulled up so many dandelions in the process; most of them had roots about as tall as the shovel blade: twelve inches long. Apparently people make a coffee substitute out of dried dandelion root. Maybe I should start saving them; I've got plenty!
Partner has next week off work as do I, and it is Franklin's birthday at the end of it. I'm so not throwing a party this year. I'm mulling over whether to make cupcakes for our Monday playgroup, but might not. There are usually lots of kids there, definitely upward of twenty-five. I might just make them for us, using my favorite recipe.
I want to do some more projects around the house and garden while Partner's home. Top of the list: repairing the hole in the dining room ceiling. The hole that's been there longer than we've had Franklin. The hole which is big enough for the bathtub to fit through, were it not already firmly affixed to the floor above. We bought a piece of plasterboard last weekend and Partner cut it to size. It just needs to be nailed up. I don't care how it looks; it can't get uglier than it already is.
1 comment:
Dandelion roots...yeah they're huge. My yard in Moab was getting taken over by the dogs and the weeds. I finally had enough, cleaned up after all the dogs, raked up the dry grass, dug up the weeds and watered like crazy. Soon we had the lawn back...and I was proud of it :-)
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