I've been in a blogging mood recently. My goal is one post a week, but lately I've been exceeding that target. I hope I'm not going into overkill. It seems that just the past month or so I've been excited about blogging. And more recently, I've finished all assignments! I only have one exam looming, but I know the material and don't feel too worried about it. As for the rest, I haven't received my marks, but they're submitted and there's nothing I can do about it now, so why stress? As a result, I have about twelve or sixteen free hours a week which I haven't had since last September. It's so liberating.

The other morning I woke up about two hours earlier than normal and couldn't get to sleep. So I got up and did some gardening. Then when it got really warm and sunny that afternoon, I kicked myself for not going for a nice long walk while it was still cool. So I resolved that if I got up early again, I'd go walk the dog. The next morning, no such luck. I could barely drag myself out of bed to get to work on time. But this morning, I was much better and leapt out of bed as soon as I woke up, threw on some clothing and moisturiser, and out we went. I want to do this regularly, as I've noticed some little love handles forming; it's nothing to panic about yet, as I still fit in all my clothing and really have had a constant weight for the past several years, but I don't want them to progress. What with my recovery from surgery (I was pretty inactive for about three months or more), plus the whole constantly-stay-at-home-studying thing I've had going on, I haven't gone dog walking in ages. So this morning was great.

And finally, before this post drags on too much, I thought I'd post photographic evidence of my first gardening goal for June. I also have two single roses upstairs in vases: one in the bathroom and one in the bedroom, but I can't be bothered to go up and snap them.

On my living room windowsill I have irises, orange roses, daisies, and laurel leaves; on my dining table is a heady mix of daisies, sweet peas, and mint leaves. They are both scented bouquets, but the sweet peas in the dining room are especially pungent. As soon as I walk in the room I smell them.
1 comment:
I think your flower arrangements are just beautiful. I too have been able to have a vase full of roses in the house this spring. I love your garden and think it is neat that you have so many birds to watch. I posted a slide show of my little garden. I need to replant a few things, but I think it is coming along quite nicely. We have about three tomatoes growing and two peppers that have sprouted. Also, we have been able to get some small ripe strawberries which is nice since only one of the four plants are actually producing anything at the moment. It is good to see some pictures of you too. Thanks for the comments on my blog I enjoy them. Take care.
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