Remember this fluffy ball of cuteness? Last week while gardening two robins perched on the fence across from me, and one gave the softest little "peep" at its mother. That's right, Junior has left the nest. It's a good thing, too, because not long after when it rained, their whole house just flopped out of the eaves. It fell straight onto my rainbow chard, but no damage was done.

However, we are overflowing with nests at the moment. The robins built another one in the garage but we don't think they finished because we still use the garage and it disturbed them too much. There is also a sparrow nest under one of the roof tiles on the back of our house, though we can't see it. However, father makes several trips an hour from our birdfeeders to the roof and there is constant cheeping.

Partner told me he shut the shed door overnight and when he opened it the next morning, he was nearly decapitated by "a huge bird" bursting out. Anyhow, this "eagle" hasn't been back to her nest, for obvious reasons. No eggs or babies, though, so it's ok. And we're leaving it open now just to make sure.
And lastly, the final nest that I know of, right at the center of this bush. It was impossible for me to get a good picture of it, but there are actually two nestlings in it. I'm not entirely sure what kind of birds they are, but I would hazard a guess at blackbirds. All I know is that the mother is dark with a long tail.
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