We've had rain for almost the entire month of July. We had our one hot week and that means the English summer was over when it finished. I remember when Partner said that the Met (Meterological) Office had predicted a "barbecue summer" this year for Britain, I thought, sure, just like they predicted last summer when we got one week of sun. My prediction, however, is based on the experience of the last five summers here: depend on it to be cool with lots of rain.
We're having guests over for the weekend: Partner's sister and her daughter are coming up on the train. I've been making him do all the housekeeping for the past two days so it's nice and tidy when they arrive. I'm thinking maybe I should just go tidy up the garden as well: one of my planters out front has got a little carpet of weeds. And I've put a load of towels on so there will be nice fresh ones for everyone. I think I'll ask Partner to clean the toilet and tub later...