I planted a tray of basil in my greenhouse, and it all sprouted; the next day, all the tops had mysteriously disappeared. I know the culprit was a slug, but I have no idea how it got along the mesh of the greenhouse to the tray. So another tray has been planted and is now on my kitchen windowsill. My last month's batch is destined for pesto.
It's my ten year high school anniversary this month. Sadly I will not be attending. I think back on my high school peers and about the cliques and rivalries there were. I never considered myself a cool kid or a popular kid, though I did have lots of friends and had two separate groups I hung out with. Considering where I am, and what's happened in my life, I think a lot of those people would be surprised at how I've turned out. I think most of the girls my age married young and had children young and stayed in state, if not in town. I always considered myself to be more of an adventurer than that. Of course, I did marry, and I may have children, but not only did I leave the state, I left the country! I've done a lot of traveling and had a lot of experiences; I would venture to say I've had more experiences than most people my age because of my travels. Not, of course, that all of them were good... But they've definitely changed me and while I look pretty much the same (maybe a dress size bigger), I am not the same person who graduated from UHS.
I wanted to let you know that my oldest daughter, Makayla thinks your flowers are 'cute'. She also thinks you look like someone on tv. She wants to know if you have any lilies growing.
amen! I am not going to the H.S. reunion either. I could if I wanted, but I don't feel like I really want to. I agree, that I am so much of a different person than the one 10 years ago who went to high school. I look back over the last 10 years, and I am grateful for all my experiences---good and bad, happy & sad. Wonder what the next 10 years will bring :)
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