This weekend we went to a wedding in Essex. I enjoyed myself and don't think I embarrassed Partner (designated driver) at the reception. Franklin also enjoyed himself; I've never seen him so sociable. Normally he doesn't like to be too close to strangers, but he wanted to be friends with all the pretty girls there. All wedding photos (including Franklin kissing pretty girls) are here. I was there in my capacity as aunt of the bride (I think I'm about eight years older than she is).
I also enjoyed a quick stroll through a few charity shops while in London. I would love to visit the charity shops in the swanky neighborhoods, but this time I contented myself with the East Side. Still, I came away happy. At the end of the month I'm looking forward to a jaunt through them in York; two winters ago I found my gorgeous Givenchy coat at a charity shop there; maybe I'll find something just as great this time. I could use some fabulous new clothes.
After reading through the schedules for upcoming classes, I find that I have a three month break coming between the end of these two and the beginning of the next. I may just have time to work on a few projects I've been putting off. I've got some decorating up my sleeve, and possibly some sewing, and definitely some organizing.
Speaking of decorating, see Franklin's blog for our newly acquired masterpiece. It needs a suitable frame: I'm thinking big and gold.
LOVE the picture of you two! I can't believe how big Franklin is now. He is so grown-up. I love his painting! What a great idea! I agree with the big and gold frame too. :)
PS. GREAT JOB on the vest. I LOVE it. You are amazing!
I agree with Kathy, that is a Great picture! Thanks for sharing!
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