After an exceptionally dry summer, my garden keeps on producing. I have zuccinis growing to the size of bowling pins (I blame Partner for that one. I leave him alone for two days, and look what happens!). My French beans are ten inches long. I have rosebushes with dozens of long-stemmed roses:

How I wish I had a whole garden of these right now. Oh wait. I do!
Partner and I both have next week off, so we made a schedule of Things To Do. We're switching Franklin's bedroom and the office; he'll have the smallest room and the office will combine with the guest room. We're also filling in the pond; the fishies all died, poor things, so its day has come. It will be a nice shady seating area. We're even planning a sandbox for Franklin there. Just not next week.

The time has come to stop deadheading my sweetpeas. Last year I stopped too late in the year for seeds to develop. I'm not making that mistake again! So far my tally of collected seeds includes:
- Columbine
- Lupin
- Honesty
- Cabbage
I have beet and chard seeds leftover from last year, too. Perhaps they'll still grow next year. This year's chard is a winner, but the beets disappointed. I don't blame the beets. They got planted in the wrong place: overshadowed and underwatered. I'll be a better gardener next year.

My neighbor gave me 6+ pounds of plums from her tree. I'm overwhelmed. I think tomorrow is Jam Day.
This week Franklin understands how to use the toilet. He tells me. I put him on. He uses. I hope this lasts!
Yay! Good luck with the potty training! Your garden's beautiful too!
LOVE the roses! They are so gorgeous! Congratulations on Franklin's potty training success!
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