Here I am in my kitchen, making a quick salad for dinner. I think I look moderately presentable; I combed my hair this morning--though it doesn't look much like it. We went shopping this evening, spent less than £40, and bought a pair of baby gem lettuces for £0.08. That's right, eight pence. We are pretty good at getting good bargains when shopping, though I admit we don't buy as much fresh meat and produce as we used to. Now it's mostly frozen, and while I definitely like broccoli and peas, they do start to get a bit boring. And I picked the first of the broad beans today to put in the salad. They were excellent. Eating fresh vegetables straight from the garden in early May is incredible.

I just love my red cupboard doors. Partner painted them for me last year. The walls are white and the curtains are red and white gingham. My kitchen is not exactly how I want it, but it's pretty darned cute anyhow. I was very careful not to get any of the mess in the photographs. Ok, so there are a few more pans than necessary on the stove...I hate cooking in a messy kitchen, but sometimes the mess just creeps up out of nowhere. One or the other of us tries to do dishes every evening, but you know how it is. We're both tired after work and just want to eat and sleep. The best way, I think, is to clean up during the cooking. There's always that bit where you're waiting for the rice to cook, or the lasagna's just gone in the oven, and you can just wash a few dishes and wipe down the counters while you wait.

Seven beans! And may I say, they were the best seven beans I ever ate. In other edible gardening news, we've decided the asparagus is still too young to eat and we'll have to wait till next spring. I'm so disappointed. I've been bragging to everyone about them, but now I have to eat my words instead.
MMmm tasty words. You did all this, cooking and blogging and stuff while I was just taking doggy out? I don't know how you do it!
You look fantastic!!! Thanks for posting a picture of you!!
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